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Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I see a Recon Camper ™?
Currently we host Open Van Days at our shop in Las Vegas to give you the opportunity to see our vans and meet some of our team. We do not have a public showroom nor an open shop so we try to schedule Open Van Days at regular intervals. We also showcase vans in various auto, outdoor shows, and our own cross-country tours in the US throughout the year. If you want to get up to date information on our Open Van Days or showcase events, please subscribe to our email list.
Due to the COVID19 pandemic it is difficult to safely show vans right now but we hope to be able to resume very soon, and will announce any virtual or in-person opportunities to our email subscribers.
Can you convert a used Nissan NV200 van?
If you already own your Nissan NV200 van and it's 100% stock (no aftermarket modifications) and has less than 500 miles on it, we may be able to convert, but it will be subject to inspections for approval.
If you do not own your van (dated proof of bill of sale) at the time of your order, please do not move forward and buy a used van as we cannot accept it. Through our years of experience, we have learned that used cargo vans are almost never worth the savings. Unlike a passenger car, cargo vans are mainly workhorses – driven hard, patched-together, rarely cleaned and often abused. Used vans, even certified, can hold hidden secrets revealed during our upfitting process. The cost to deliver the van to our production facility combined with the risk that something may prevent us from converting it outweighs the small amount you can save by buying a used van.
What if I want a certain package but not everything in the model package?
We can’t remove items from our standard ENVY and Weekender model packages. Something as simple as removing a sink to reduce cost actually increases cost due to all the design changes and custom cutting of a new counter top.
When I went to my local Nissan dealership, they didn't know about Recon Campers ™. Why is this?
Some dealerships know about our campers and some don’t. We have worked with Nissan North America (Corporate) for over 5 years but we are still a separate company and have no official ties with Nissan dealerships.
Can I finance some or all of a Recon Camper ™ van?
While Recon Campers ™ does not offer financing, Nissan dealerships can provide financing to qualified customers. The NV200 van can be 100% financed through Nissan, and through an upfitter's allowance, it may be possible to finance up to 35% of the cost of your van towards our conversion upfit. For example, if the base van cost is $24,500 (which is pretty close to the price of a super loaded SV model) you can get a total of $33,075 in financing for the van and conversion directly through Nissan. Please discuss this directly with the dealership as these upfit allowances can change.
Can you convert a Canadian base van for clients living in Canada?
Is the rear seat/ bed combo removable?
No the rear seat is safety tested to US standards in the van and requires bolting and reinforcing in the chassis to withstand the high safety testing loads required in the US. Also, to maximize the width of the bed the seat is actually wider than the side or back doors and is partially assembled inside the van.
Can you make the front seats swivel in the NV200?
Due to the front side airbags and in-seat airbags, it is not possible to add aftermarket swivels to these vehicles in the US.
The FMVSS laws in the US are constantly evolving to make vehicles on the roads safer and safer. We firmly believe in safety first to protect our clients and their loved ones.
Can I just buy some components from you to install myself?
Most of our parts require a high level of skill and training to install properly and safely. We currently don't sell our pop tops, seats or cabinets for DIY. We plan to offer simple DIY components for the Nissan NV200 in the near future, and will add them to our website as soon as they are available.
Can I get my conversion built is stages over a few years?
No. It’s not practical or cost effective to build piecemeal, especially as some components would require complete removal and reinstall to add-on.